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Customer loyalty in your workshop: How to do it

If you’re managing a company, you know that customers are your lifeblood. If you want to succeed, you need to learn how to keep them loyal to your company. Customer loyalty is essential, as it’ll help you keep your workshop up and running.


What is customer loyalty?

Customer loyalty refers to the act of attracting and retaining customers. The customer retention gives you a good idea of what you are doing well and what your expectations are.

It is important to understand your customers’ real needs and satisfy them. This will help you generate more revenue without having to invest a lot to get new customers.


How to keep customers loyal

Customer loyalty is a great way to boost your business. But how can you do it the right way? The answer may be simpler than you think.


1. Provide a good service

The simplest and most effective way to win over customers is by providing excellent service and a positive experience overall.

Besides contributing to keep your customers loyal, providing a good experience will also make new customers emerge. Acting in a pleasant, cordial and friendly manner is a great strategy for building customer loyalty.

If you think you are not offering a good service, it is time to change. It is not enough to know how to deal with complaints and dissatisfied customers . It is crucial to take good care of all customers who arrive at your workshop.


2. Reward your loyal customers

Customer service is only part of the equation. The main goal of a good service is to make your customers feel special, recognized and rewarded.

Offering your customers a reward for being loyal to your workshop is a great idea. Having a loyalty program, for example, is a good way to give back to your customers – and they will certainly be happy with it.



3. Keep communication active

Communication is key to achieve customer loyalty, which means that you should keep them informed about what happens in your workshop. That said, you should contact them periodically to understand if they are coming back.

Sitting and waiting for your customers to get in touch with you is certainly not in the strategy manual for building customer loyalty. Instead of waiting, show interest and contact them. Send them text messages or emails saying something like: “We hope you’re safe”, “Here’s something we think you’ll like”.

This type of contact can bring surprising results. Sometimes, the small gestures are what customers appreciate the most.


4. Surprise your customers

Customers love surprises, and you can use that to your advantage by surprising them with something special when they come back to your workshop.

Implement a marketing campaign and send special promotional codes to your customers, so that they can get discounts or free products/services in your workshop.

For their birthdays, send them a special message with a discount or offer. Not only will they be fascinated to receive your message, but they can also spread the word and generate more business.

A good surprise shows that you care and it will probably be highly valued by your customers.


5. Customize interactions

Nowadays, data is the most valuable commodity. Some even say that data is the new petroleum, given its importance.

Knowing your customers is essential for you to be able to satisfy their needs. Use the data you have on them to personalize their experience and show them some appreciation.

The data collected from various points of contact can be used to personalize messages, emails and announcements and, by doing so, to communicate with customers more effectively.

Customers love this type of customization. It shows that you really know them and that you care about them. Use it in your favor!

Customer loyalty is more than just closing a work order and getting paid.

As an auto workshop owner, it is important to show your customers that they are looked after, and the relationship you establish with them needs to be built on that premise. Stay close, take care of them, be empathetic and genuinely interested. This way, you will have loyal and reliable customers your whole life.

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