Engine Oil Pan: What’s it for?

The engine oil pan is not visible to the naked eye when you raise the bonnet, but it has one of the most important tasks to ensure that the engine runs smoothly. Do you know why?

Read the article and find out all about the engine crankcase!

What is the oil pan ?

The oil pan is a component responsible for storing the oil that lubricates the engine.

With a simple bath shaped design, it is present in all types of combustion engines, whether diesel engines or petrol engines.


How is it composed ?

The engines is built in the same metals as the engine block and has several compartments inside:

  • Upper Oil Pan

In this part is where the crankshaft is placed


  • Lower Oil Pan

It is where the engine oil is stored.


  • Oil Pan Gasket

It keeps the oil pan sealed without any engine oil leakage.


  • Oil Drain Plug

In an oil change, this plug is unscrewed allowing an oil removal.


What is the dry oil pan?

The dry oil pan is installed in engines with high inertias when cornering with high speed capabilities and hard braking experiences.

The dry sump also works by accumulating oil, but placed in a separate tank


What’s the point of the dry scar?

The purpose of the dry oil pan is to prevent the lubricant from moving into it violently, causing a bad engine lubrication.



What’s the oil pan for?

The main function is to collect the oil from the engine block and put it back into circulation through the cylinders by the oil pump.

This whole cycle is repeated numerous times to ensure the best possible engine lubrication.

When the engine is switched off, the engine oil is housed in this component thanks to the force of gravity. Then, by removing the oil drain plug, the mechanics are able to remove about 95% of the engine oil thanks to engine oil pan


Where is it fitted?

The component is located at the engine bottom involving the engine crankshaft.

It has a bath shape to store as much oil as possible.



What are the possible problems?



Cracks are one of the most common problems. Being a component located in the lower part of the engine, it is susceptible to knocks on the pavement.

When there is a crack in the engine oil pan it is very likely that there will be an oil leak and in this case the car must be stop as soon as possible so that the engine does not suffer irreparable internal damages.


Pressure in the Oil Pan

The pressure in the oil pan is caused by a increased temperature in the components connected to the engine block that create vapors inside of it.

The higher the pressure inside the engine oil pan, the more oil is likely to leak from the gasket.


What should I do if I break the Oil Pan?

In this situation, you must turn off the engine immediately. To repair or replace the broken part, the vehicle must be transported in a trailer to the workshop.


What tools are needed to change it?

To make an oil pan change, the mechanic must follow all the manufacturer’s recommendations and use specific tools.

It is also recommended to  use a dynamometric wrench to place the grips of all screws according to the vehicle brand specifications to avoid deformations and further oil leaks.


What’s the price?

The price for this part can fluctuate between 200 and 500 euros.

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2 thoughts to “Engine Oil Pan: What’s it for?”

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