A person who has recently obtained a driving license is on a probation period and must therefore take certain precautions.
Do you know what they are? Read the article to find out.
What is probationary driving licensing?
Probation is the period when a newly licensed driver has a provisional permission to drive.
During this time, the new driver must be very careful because he is subject to a cancellation of driving license cancellation if any Highway Code violations are commited.
This means that Highway Code violations under probationary regime may require new tests to be taken in order to obtain a driving licence.
How did the probationary regime begin?
However, after the road code amendment, this period was extended to 3 years and with it came other legislation to protect everyone on the roads.
How does probation work?
When a driver is on probation, they cannot commit any offence under the Highway Code.
If the driver exceeds the amount of alcohol in his blood, he is subject to driving licence seizure and respective accessory sanction, if applicable. But let us go in parts:
Infractions on probation
Despite the increased probationary regime period, the number of permitted infractions remains the same.
In article nº130 of the Highway Code it is foreseen in which situations a driver may have his driving license cancelled: if the individual commits a crime, a serious misdemeanour or a very serious misdemeanours, he will have to pass throw driving test again.
To regain a driving licence, he or she will have to pass a new driving test and then a new probationary period will begin.
Is it possible to contest a probationary fine?
Like a fine for a serious and very serious misdemeanour, probationary fines can be contested if you do not agree with the decision.
How can I challenge a probationary fine?
According to the law, any administrative offence can be contested within 15 working days and must be submitted in with the following information:
– Number of the administrative offence notice (composed by 9 digits in the upper right-hand corner of the notification);
– Identification of the defendant.
– Identification of the witnesses (maximum three).
– Statement of the facts, justification and request;
– Signature of the defendant or legal representative.
Once you have all these elements, you should send the letter by registered mail to ANSR’s address or hand it in personally at the Citizen Service Office of the District Command or at the Traffic Detachment in your area of residence.
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